Getting the Year Started
Winter 2009

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Preparations for the new year were all done properly. The old year was rung out and the new one rung in with appropriate revelry. In addition, a holiday visitor added to the special nature of this season.

Son Daniel arrived to visit shortly before New Year’s Eve, the last of our combined offspring to do so. One of the activities we arranged in his honor was a tour of AccuWeather Headquarters, located just a few miles away. This being the week between Christmas and New Year’s, staffing was light and our tour was very relaxed and personal:

Dan seemed to enjoy making the evening weather forecast:

Dancing has always seemed to us the most civilized way to celebrate NYE, especially in the company of like-minded friends. We were pleased to be in the company of Jan and Diane, Joe and Kathy and Gene and Erla:

Next morning, we made our way to downtown State College to check out some remarkable ice carvings, created as part of First Night festivities:

During the snowy winter months of January and February, a class in blogging caught my attention and I joined in. It was a new experience seeing my face on the instructor’s blog:

The class satisfied my itch to understand the allure of blogging and, in the process, I did set up my own blog. However, not wanting another time-sink, my blog has withered from lack of input since the class ended. To this day, though, it still exists on the Internet (here) and probably will for eternity. Thus, such homework assignments as this one will never be forgotten:

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