Thursday, September 14, 2006

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Pierre, with its population of only 18,000, sits astride the Missouri River in central South Dakota. It is probably the smallest U.S. capital city we’ve been to, feeling more like a town than a city. We learned quickly that “Pierre” is not pronounced like a French name but simply as “peer”. The one structure we explored was the state Capitol Building, shown below across Capitol Lake:

Even in this distant shot, a sharp eye might pick out some of the flags, banners and bunting set up for tomorrow’s celebrations. A new Vietnam Veterans Memorial is due to be unveiled and large groups are expected in town for the parades, speeches and festivities.

The Capitol Building interior was stunning --- sparkling and shining as if the party was about to begin:

Security checks in public buildings have become so common these days that it surprised us that no one greeted us upon entry. Of course, it may be different when the Legislature and Court are in session. Today, without a fare-thee-well, we strolled right into the Senate Chamber to satisfy our curiosity. Like the rest of the building, it was very attractive --- nice place to work, I’d say, although it reminded me of grammar school for some reason.

Pierre does have a unique curiosity this time of year: a superabundance of moths. Our hotel clerk told us straight-faced that this was their mating season and, consequently, they were everywhere, living and dead. At the front entrance of the Capitol Building, we did a double-take watching a maintenance man with broom and dust pan --- he was carrying away great mounds of dead moths blown into corners by the wind! The prospective new resident should also know that flies are a year-round nuisance, particularly down by the river. ... Well, you didn’t expect paradise, did you?

Eventually, we bid adieu to Pierre, following the Missouri River to the southeast and our next destination.

Frequently, across the west, we’ve spotted handsome groups of horses close to the road. Suspecting we may not see many more enroute home, we decided to photographically capture this wind-blown herd:

So, here we are in Mitchell, SD, the home of the world's only Corn Palace. Tomorrow, we break out the dancing shoes once again, this time for a Polka Festival inside the Palace.

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