New Jersey Rediscovered

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Dropping Patty off at Newark Airport en route to see her grandchildren in Jerusalem, I am left with eleven days to fill until I return to the airport to pick her up. With visions of biking, hiking, canoeing and sightseeing floating around inside my head, I do have one definite goal: to set foot in tiny Delaware. It is the only state in the union I have never seen. Ironically, my last and 50th state will be the one which prides itself on being “The First State” because its citizens were the first to ratify the U.S. Constitution in 1787. Mile after mile, I ponder what deep meaning that portends but can’t find any.

To go south on a planned route out of Newark is a tough assignment. Working with Gypsy, our Prius’ navigation assistant, eventually the task gets done and rural scenes begin to unfold. Yes, even in paved-over New Jersey it is still possible to find horse ranches:

However, horses were not on my priority list. Eager to take my first bike ride, I arrived at Allaire State Park on a beautiful day: blue skies, low humidity, high of 73 degrees --- it felt like what a late spring/early summer day OUGHT to feel like!

The Edgar Felix Bike Path is fairly flat and smooth with enough shade to keep a biker cool and sufficiently diverse scenery to keep the ride interesting. For instance, the trail passes right by this appealing little lake with plenty of waterfowl to watch:

If you’d care to see more of this trail, it has already been well documented at:

That is, in fact, where I learned of it.

I am certain that Patty and I will someday tour the Jersey shoreline together in the off-season, especially Cape May and Atlantic City. Consequently, I gave them wide berth this time and, instead, rushed headlong into Delaware.

