Saturday, September 30, 2006

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Touchdown! After 55 days and 7.5 hours, we arrived back where we started on August 6 --- 8200 miles the richer.

It is always great to get home safely after being away. With a trip of eight weeks, the pleasure is proportionately greater. Happily, everything on the home-front is just as we left it. For our safe travels, we do thank the good Lord, as well as for the patience and compatibility to put up with each other for so long in a small car and for the ability to take on a trip like this in the first place. We are also grateful for the laughs and hugs we shared with friends and relatives along the way.

It has been pleasing to share this trip with anyone interested enough to load the website. We, too, find it amazing that the technology to perform daily uploads to a website while traveling from place to place not only exists, but is not that hard to find and use. Now, if only High-Speed Internet access were available while MOVING DOWN THE HIGHWAY ... (as a passenger, of course) ....

Our apologies for the outages on Adelphia’s server but even more so for Adelphia’s message that made it appear some folks were unwelcome on the website. That was definitely not the case. It will never happen again --- at least, not with Adelphia because that company has been acquired by Comcast. As a result, this website will have to move to a new location, address unknown as of today. The new site MIGHT be BUT THAT IS ONLY A GUESS. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, as no photos were taken today, one last set of “fillers” is shown below with the topic
“Memorable Moments”.

Posing in Petoskey, Michigan:

Exhilaration is written clearly all over our faces. FINALLY, after all the planning, we were actually on this trip, in a beautiful place on a splendid day!

Revenge of the Bison:

This big brute decided, for whatever reason, to stop on the road. What initially seemed a great photo opportunity, morphed into an impatient standoff as the minutes passed with no sign this guy would ever move on. Fortunately, in his own good time, he did just that --- and surely had the last laugh.

The Ice Storm:

With ice pellets coating the highway near Custer, SD, and extremely poor visibility, we were not alone in pulling off the road --- several times, in fact, after mistakenly thinking the storm’s end had come. Glad we weren’t in any hurry!

The Joy of the Chase:

Yes, that’s Patty way out in front on a pretty autumn afternoon ... but I finally caught up with her.

‘Til next time .....
Patty and John
