Saturday, September 16, 2006

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Only an hour after leaving Mitchell, we were in Sioux Falls, SD, admiring Falls Park. The settlement that grew into Sioux Falls was originally located here in the mid 1850’s. The attractions of this spot included an abundance of quartzite bedrock and the potential of harnessing the Big Sioux River for water power. The city’s done a commendable job recently to beautify this area and make it a safe and enjoyable place to visit.

The Recreation Trail and Greenway follows the Big Sioux as the river winds its way through town. After the heavy storms of last night, we were really pleased we had dry weather long enough to sample some of it by bicycle. We also learned a bit about the downtown area by taking a ride on one of the free trollies provided for that purpose.

We arrived in Brookings in time to stroll the McCrory Gardens, which are part of South Dakota State University. With dark clouds overhead, though, it was a challenge to photograph.

Finally, the wail of sirens --- giving notice of a possible tornado --- ended our garden walk prematurely. Happily, no funnels set down then or later near Brookings.

To supplement today’s meager photo production, let me add, just for amusement, two more from the our national park visits ---

a pretty tame ptarmigan:

Yellowstone, the way it was --- and still is:

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