Six Months to Move?

November 2005 - April 2006

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No question about it, the predominant activity of this six month period was our change of residence. Though the move took us only a 1/2 mile away, it had the consequent side effect of severely crimping our traveling style for the duration.

The beginnings of this move were really laid four years ago. While looking for a home to buy in State College, we stumbled upon the Westway Gardens development and quickly became enamored. This unusual condominium complex, built in the early 1990’s, contains only single family ranch homes with very large basements!

Alas, we could find none for sale and no owners even thinking of selling. Pressed by our landlord to either vacate or sign another one-year lease, when we found the house on Bayberry, we decided it would do. However, neither of us forgot Westway Gardens; we even had our names added to their waiting list.

Things started cooking last November when Patty, growing weary of waiting, decided to become more proactive. Her timing was impeccable and before long we were talking with a prospective seller. This was an elderly, longtime widow whose uncertainty about WHEN to move had already driven away at least one other determined buyer. Patty’s communication skills came to the rescue and, in just a few weeks, we had a contract of sale for Unit 60. Guess who was ecstatic.

Though it was the last day of November and the weather a bit grim, this place looked perfect to us.

(As a footnote, the widow who sold us the house is now happily settled into her new residence, a two bedroom apartment in a beautiful retirement home not far away.) The only downside of the sale was that the escrow was longer than we wanted. After an “eternity” of waiting, we gained title on February 6 and then, to celebrate, immediately left town.

With the euphoria finally calmed down, the next step was selling our Bayberry house. We delayed until late February to put it on the multiple listings because we did not want to attempt selling in midwinter. Fortunately, the buyer we were hoping for snapped it up very quickly --- with the caveat, however, of another lengthy escrow. On the plus side, that meant plenty of time for planning, furniture shopping and moving carloads of stuff ourselves. A friend with a bigger vehicle helped transport our dance floor panels and professionals moved the large pieces of furniture, making it possible to start living at the ranch April 5. Two weeks later on settlement day, we were free of the “moving experience” at last --- HALLELUJAH!

To be honest, it will take a long, long time yet to be truly settled in. It will require --- at least --- a new workshop, new dance area, new closet shelves, new storage shelves, and some pictures on the wall. None of that, however, will prevent us from traveling. That is why our next trip is just days away!

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